What is a sugar detox? A sugar detox is a short-term complete break from sugar AND all other sweeteners and most anything sweet. People choose to approach it differently and I even approach it differently with everyone in my practice. There are multiple approaches; “all-in” or “gentle”. Or my personal preference is “all-in and then 80/20 long term”
Signs of sugar addiction
Hiding sugar intake
Withdrawal symptoms
Eating sugar when you aren’t hungry
Feeling guilt or shame regarding your sugar intake
Using sugar to self-soothe
Increased sugar intake
Quit Cold Turkey - While cutting down on sugar gradually may help you lessen withdrawal symptoms; it also invites them to stick around for longer. When it comes to sugar withdrawal, just rip the band-aid right off: the sooner your body realizes it must adjust to living a life without sugar, the better you’ll feel.
Eat more protein - By adding protein to every meal you eat, you can avoid hunger cravings, as protein helps to increase feelings of satiety.
Increase your fiber intake - High-fiber foods can increase satiety too, much like protein. They also help to regulate your blood sugar levels and promote comfortable digestion.
Drink more water - Staying well hydrated while dealing with sugar detox can help you feel fuller and increase your energy intake.
Avoid artificial sweeteners - It might seem like a good idea to trade sugar for artificial sweeteners, but it can actually sabotage your sugar-free efforts. Research has found that artificial sweeteners encourage your sugar cravings. Avoiding all sweet foods, whether they’re sugar free or not, will help you stick to your new resolution.
Manage your stress levels - It’s real and it can ruin your efforts to cut sugar from your diet. Sugar has a calming effect on your stress hormones, and if you’re stressed out, your cravings could be amplified. Cutting sugar itself is helpful in managing stress, but until that benefit manifests, try relaxation techniques like meditation to subdue your stress until you clear this sugar detox hurdle.
Exercise - Talk about a stress manager, not only is exercise good for your heart health and your weight levels, but it also helps increase your energy and relieve stress. Even short bouts of exercise no longer than a 15 minute walk helped reduce cravings for sugary foods. Try yoga for increased mindfulness, flexibility, and healthy weight loss.
Get sufficient sleep - A lack of sleep can exacerbate sugar detox symptoms like depression, fatigue, and cravings for sugary and other unhealthy foods. Getting enough sleep has been linked to lowered stress, increased energy levels, improved mental functioning, and better food choices.
Eat something bitter - Literally bitter medicine, bitter foods shut down the receptors in your brain that crave sugar. Bitter foods also slow down the absorption of sugar, protecting your blood sugar levels and helping you avoid the unwelcome side effects of sugar detox. Try arugula, dark chocolate, black coffee.
Read labels- ketchup, barbeque sauce and many crackers and savory items as well as things like almond milk all have added sugar
Make a plan! Buy a sugar detox cookbook or contact me to do coaching or a meal plan for you
Eat enough calories-focus on whole foods. This is NOT a weight loss plan specifically, although you will likely lose weight in the process. Eat enough fiber and whole foods to decrease actual hunger and cravings.
Even just a 1-month sugar detox can improve your health, reset your body, and help you get rid of unhealthy weight. Sugar consumption is off the charts in most American diets. Meals full of processed foods dripping in corn syrup and refined white sugar are putting us in real danger of developing type 2 diabetes and other serious health conditions.
Symptoms of Sugar Detox
Anxiety: Feelings of anxiousness and worry may accompany other stressful symptoms like restlessness, irritability, and nervousness. You may feel more impatient than usual, or like you’re on edge and about to snap.
Depressions: Feeling depressed is a common symptom of sugar withdrawal. Not only is this due to your body’s readjustment, but you are also now denying yourself the pleasure of a sugar high.
Changes in sleep patterns: Some may find that it’s harder to fall asleep and/or stay asleep each night while their bodies are detoxing from sugar.
Cognitive Issues: You may experience difficulty concentrating after you quit sugar, causing you to lose focus, forget things, or fall behind in work or school.
Cravings: Alongside the expected cravings for sugar, you may find that you’re craving other foods that aren’t considered sweets but still contain simple sugars.
Headache-should subside in a week
Nausea- ginger can help with this
Dizziness-stay hydrated!
Fatigue-should subside within a week also
If you need help with detoxing from sugar (or anything else for that matter!) email me at Sarah@catalystwellnesscoaching.com for help!
Keep Moving Forward 😊 Sarah