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Food and Mindset

Writer's picture: Sarah HotchkissSarah Hotchkiss

You may have an unhealthy relationship with food if…

  • You feel guilty when eating

  • You avoid or restrict foods that are “bad” for you

  • You have a long list of rules surrounding the foods you can and cannot eat

  • You think about food all the time

  • You eat until you are uncomfortable

  • You avoid eating around others

  • You feel the need to over exercise or restrict after over consuming

  • You keep eating foods even if they make you feel bad

  • You feel stress around food choices

Do you have a growth mindset or fixed mindset???

Growth Mindset (ideal approach)

  • Inspired by others

  • Believe they can improve and succeed

  • Believe skills can be developed

  • Want to be challenged

  • Perseverance

  • Believe attitude and effort determine everything

Fixed Mindset

  • All or nothing thinking

  • Blame other things for your situation

  • Can not hear feedback without feeling attacked

  • History of quitting

  • Feeling of being incapable

  • Believe you are defined by their (innate) abilities

Mindset Scenario #1

All or nothing

I really blew it at lunch. It’s shot for the rest of the day, so screw it I’m going to eat whatever I want the rest of the day and get it out of my system.


I made some high fat choices for lunch. It’s not the end of the world. I’m going to get right back on track and work on progressing forward with my goal of weight loss.


Self-sabotage doesn’t come out of nowhere. The way you think about yourself and your situation has a lot to do with how you engage in self-defeating behavior.


  • Overeating, under-eating, and negative thoughts are often TRIGGERED by events or situations.

  • Triggers are different for each individual.

  • The goal is to identify your triggers and make a plan to navigate them.

Mindset Scenario #2

“I will gain all my weight back.”

The last time I lost weight I gained it all back and then some.


I am committed to this lifestyle, and I can make one choice at a time. I am not in a race. This time is different because I am making sustainable choices and I have a new skill set.

Mindset Scenario #3

Not Celebrating Your Wins

This sucks.  No one has noticed my weight loss.  I have lost weight but I have way more to go and I won’t be happy until I get there.


I lost another ½ pound this week.  I am so excited to see the progress.

Mindset Scenario #4

Inner critic after overeating

I can’t control what I eat.  I suck.  I’m such a failure.


Weight loss is a process, not a one time event.  This process is going to take time, patience, and practice.  Mistakes are part of learning.  Progress over perfection.

Mindset Scenario #5

Weekend Warrior

I failed at my goal of hitting my macros this weekend.  I always do this on the weekend.  It’s impossible to make it a full week without going off plan.


I’m recognizing a pattern on the weekends.  What can I learn by evaluating the events leading up to when I go off target?  How can I take one step to improve next weekend?

Mindset Scenario #6

Constantly Comparing

Every time I’m in class (the gym) I see how much more others are able to lift than me.  My body is not athletic.


I’m new to these exercise classes.  I can’t lift as much weight as others or move as fast as or easily as others, but I’m focusing on my progress alone. 

Mindset Scenario #7

Ornament over Instrument

I’m not going to feel like I’ve met my goal until I’m comfortable in a bathing suit in public.


While I’m working to lose body fat and change my physique through diet and exercise, my main goal is to get stronger, digest and sleep better, and do more without pain.

Your body is an Instrument, not an Ornament

  • Let go of your objectified ideas of health and fitness (the focus on how your body looks).

  • Learn to define health and fitness in ways that are achievable and sustainable in your own life.

  • Train your attention on process rather than outcome.

Important reflections if you have gone off plan…

  • What has worked for you in the past, and what ideas do you have for improvement?

  • What can you do differently next time?

Why food quality matters…..

Overconsumption of poor-quality foods can lead to depression, cognitive impairment, inflammation, and poor gut health.

Make a plan for change

  • Keep tempting food out of sight when in the house

  • Eat only in one location in your house

  • Turn off the tv and devices and acknowledge you are eating

  • Keep healthy foods ready accessible

  • Pre-plan your shopping list

  • Reflect on how full you are

  • Take small bites when eating a meal

  • Food should never be a reward

  • Talk with loved ones about your goals and ask for support

  • Acknowledge your wins

Attached this month is a worksheet I use in my Unconscious Hunger group and with those I notice have patterns of emotional eating.  Try filling it out and see what thoughts come to mind for you! Click HERE for the worksheet.

Keep Moving Forward 😊 Sarah

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